Flexi Place is a business center located nicely in Causeway Bay, with fully renovated facilities. 位於銅鑼灣核心地段優質寫字樓,20樓全層豪華裝修,適合約見高端客戶。

FEEL GOOD PET SHOP 位於九龍城區的寵物店九龍土瓜灣美景街58號 地下

GOOD MEOWING 位於油尖旺區的寵物店九龍旺角登打士街43D號 達利商業大廈8樓A號鋪

直接代業主出售免佣【上車荀盤】,*一分鐘可到達悅來洒店(Panda Hotel),悅來坊(Panda Place)商場,有大小形食肆,有大型購物Aeon超市,購物消閒方便,鄰近港鐵交通方便,有巴士站,有小巴站,高層新電梯,旺中帶靜,傢電齊備,如有興趣,價錢可議。

Our Advantage: 1)Factory price. 2)High quality with Warranty. 3)Capacity Stock & Arrange the goods quickly. 4)Enjoy good reputation among our customers. 5)Professional and good after sale service.

Our Advantage: 1)Factory price. 2)High quality with Warranty. 3)Capacity Stock & Arrange the goods quickly. 4)Enjoy good reputation among our customers. 5)Professional and good after sale service.

JOMO Kitchen & Health Hub 餐廳位於將軍澳唐俊街23號澳南海岸MONTEREY PLACE地下G01號舖

LAB EAT Restaurant & Bar 餐廳位於旺角彌敦道700號T.O.P. This is Our Place 5樓502號舖

新蒲崗 Chill Place For: Party/gathering/bbq/打邊爐/拍攝/廣告 🎥 全高清BENQ 投影機100吋螢幕 🎱桌球/乒乓波 🃏 board game 🍾酒具 ♣️ poker 🍜餐具碗碟 🥘電磁爐及爐具 🍗 電熱/火炭BBQ爐 🏯特大榻榻米場景 ⛺️土耳其式吊床 🎤卡拉OK
場地租用 / Party場Kaga Hall room

- almost new, in good working condition -497cm(w) x 580cm(d) x 1280cm(h) - two doors, freezer at the top of the fridge

目的:透過主題填色比賽,推廣香港潑水節,讓更多公眾人士認識泰國文化 香港潑水節2023將於4月5-10日假荔枝角 D2 Place 舉行!屆時將會有泰國節慶活動及泰國市集,精彩活動陸續有來!而今年將會破天荒舉辦全港首個「香港潑水節填色比賽」,實行以活潑嘅方式推廣泰國文化!一齊用繽紛色彩畫出潑水節嘅快樂景象啦!

荃灣西Soul Place Studio 試堂優惠💕💕 請直接WhatsApp Soul Place Studio(+85296701941)登記以呢個優惠價試堂啦! 另外!凡每位客人使用試堂優惠後48小時內購買Soul Place Studio 推出既package 即享9折優惠繼續上Soul Place Studio既瑜珈課程!! 每介紹一位朋友仔 送多一堂比你!!!
S運動及健身 / 瑜伽Soul Place

AMARE Bistro and Wine 餐廳位於將軍澳澳南海岸唐俊街23號MONTEREY Place 地下G02號舖

Cosy Seasons 餐廳位於九龍灣宏泰道23號Manhattan place地舖

Kind Kitchen by Green Common 餐廳位於上環德輔道中173號Nan Fung Place 1樓1號舖

每位客人只可以使用每個優惠一次! 請直接WhatsApp Soul Place Studio(+852 96701941)登記以呢個優惠價試堂啦! 另外!凡每位新客人使用試堂優惠後購買Soul Place Studio 推出既package 即享9折優惠繼續上Soul Place Studio既瑜珈課程!! 每介紹多一位朋友仔再送多你一堂! 直接WhatsApp 96701941

It's the world's first BTC banknote. It's a cold wallet that has the particularity of being able to be exchanged for a good as many times as necessary as long as its die isn't altered, as it were cash
i商業 / 印刷icynoteteam

Mongkok Central area - 2/3/4 ppl New Private Office Rooms w/ large window and Good View, Dedicated Desk, Conference Rm, 2 mins walk from Mongkok MTR station
y商業 / 商業優惠ybizlink

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